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Friday, November 14, 2008

Obama Girl Shows Her Puppies To Obama

Obama Girl Shows Her Puppies To ObamaObama Girl Shows Her Puppies To ObamaObama Girl Shows Her Puppies To Obama
Obama Girl Shows Her Puppies To ObamaObama Girl Shows Her Puppies To ObamaObama Girl Shows Her Puppies To Obama
Obama Girl Shows Her Puppies To ObamaObama Girl Shows Her Puppies To ObamaObama Girl Shows Her Puppies To Obama
I know the elections are over, but here is some girl named Obama Girl showing her puppies next to a life-size cutout of Obama. I think she made a few YouTube videos that got popular, but not being one for politics I never watched them. Anyway, now that her 15 minutes of internet fame are up, she’s more than welcome to join Hollywood Tuna to help extend it. Not sure what exactly she’d do for me, but in the meantime while I figure something out, there’s some work that needs to be done underneath my desk.

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